too so many other things in the candy aisle that I want to try! The only thing that is still unavailable is licorice – the salty, adult version that makes your taste buds go numb. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s nowhere to be found here in Bavaria. So I’m still relying on fresh supplies from visitors who live north of the licorice border. So who’s next on our guest list??? – And that’s enough random candy-talk for today. Let’s move on to my favorite links of the week. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!
1 – Two new podcast series I’m looking forward to: this one about life in a small town in Alabama, created by the producers of Serial (!). And the new season of this one which is going to explore what it means to go viral on the internet.
2 – I’m waiting for this fun shirt – polka dots have always been my soft spot.
3 – How do you talk to your kids about death and loss? This book, available in English and in German, looks like it might be a good conversation starter and facilitator.
4 – More on loss and death. This time for adult readers. Be prepared – it is a long read.
5 – Breakfast ideas that are on my list: coconut granola, berry chia pudding, and avocado toast – I need a break from my yoghurt-granola-banana-routine.
What’s on your breakfast table on weekdays? Any easy, healthy and maybe also kid-friendly recipes you would like to share? And – as always – if you are looking for more reading input, click over to Berlin Mitte Mom’s Freitagslieblinge.
Got the hint ????. I’ll get you some nice licorice from Hamburg.
YES!!! Thank you :-)))
Ich liiiebe Avocado auf Brot!
Hi Tina, ich mag diese Art von post sehr. Wie kann ich bei Friday Link Love mitmachen? Dank für den Tipp. LG Kathrin
Hallo Kathrin,
guck mal bei den Freitagslieblinge-Posts von Berlin Mitte Mom. Da gibt es unten die Möglichkeit eines Link Ups, allerdings nur von Freitag bis Sonntag. Hier kannst Du Deinen Blogbeitrag dann eintragen. Eine tolle Sache!
Lieben Gruß,
Schaumkuss-Buddy! ich könnte für die Dinger alles stehe und liegen lassen!
Liebste Grüsse an Dich
Ich musste 5 Jahre darauf verzichten – eine harte Zeit ;-) Danke für Deinen Besuch!
Lieben Gruß,