Was Dich und mich interessiert und inspiriert
Auf meinem Blog findest Du nicht nur meine aktuellen Coaching- und Workshop-Angebote und Podcastfolgen, sondern hier schreibe ich auch immer mal wieder über Themen, die mich interessieren und Dich hoffentlich inspirieren.



Veranstaltungen für Blogger: Blog Big, ALT, denkst und mehr
Gehst Du auch so wahnsinnig gerne auf Konferenzen oder Blogger Veranstaltungen? Ehrlich gesagt gibt es für mich fast nichts Schöneres als Neues zu lernen und mich mit Menschen auszutauschen, die ähnlich ticken wie ich. Da darf mein Tag ruhig prall gefüllt sein mit...
Friday Link Love
It's Friday and I finally had the time to do a Friday Link Love post for you. In these posts you will always find links to articles, videos, social media posts, essays, blogs, shows, movies, podcasts, books and more. And my links usually cover a very wide range of...
Meine Podcast-Empfehlungen: The Popcast, Hidden Brain, The Turnaround u.v.m.
Im Moment ist hier in Deutschland eine regelrechte Podcast-Euphorie ausgebrochen (wie ich hier schon prophezeit hatte). So viele neue Podcasts! Ich komme gar nicht mehr hinterher mit dem Hören! Zumal meine Lieblings-Podcasts, die ich regelmäßig höre, ja auch Woche für...
Sehen wir uns? Veranstaltungen in München – Herbst 2017
Ich kann's kaum glauben: Da scrolle ich gestern morgen im Halbschlaf durch mein Instagram-Feed. Und sehe bei einer amerikanischen Bloggerin, dass sie Anfang September (Danke, Instagram, für Deinen merkwürdigen Algorithmus) bei einer SXSW-Veranstaltung war. In...
Have a great summer (and favorite links)
Hello y'all! I hope this post finds you well, maybe you are relaxing at the beach or the pool right now, a refreshing drink at your side while you are reading this. This won't be the epic, over a thousand words long post that I thought it would be. Summer is here and...
Friday Link Love
Hey! How are you today? I just realized that my Instaper box is overflowing. Which means that it's time for a new edition of my favorite links that I'm sharing with you. Because I know that you are busy. And that you don't always have time to browse the web for those...
Favorite Podcasts: Sorta Awesome, The Mom Hour, On Being & Eigenstimmig
Oh yes! It's happening! Podcasts are becoming more mainstream in Germany. Finally! What makes me say that? Because now the BIG bloggers are talking about podcasts. Such as Steffi Luxat (Ohhh Mhhh) in her most recent post about 10 things that are making her happy right...
The Instagram Challenge #meetthebloggerde – 14 Questions and My Answers
UPDATE May 2020: Listen to my interview with the organizer of the challenge, Anne Häusler! Are you on Instagram? If not you missed something really fun! Anne Häusler's #meetthebloggerde challenge. During this 2-week-long challenge Anne asked 14 questions and all...
Friday Link Love
It's late on Friday and the weekend is already here. How did that happen? At least it finally stopped raining today and the forecast for tomorrow (but just for tomorrow...) looks like perfect Biergarten weather! Do you have anything fun planned, too? Since Sunday is...
Stay Curious – The Kinderkunsthaus in Munich
The first time I learned about the Kinderkunsthaus was when I was still living in the United States. I remember that I was mindlessly browsing through my Instagram feed when I saw this: a photo of kids and parents crafting together at tables covered in paper, paint...
Favorite Podcasts (+ Documentaries): Reply All, Sorta Awesome, S-Town & Popculture Happy Hour
March 2017 was #trypod month March was #trypod month – which stands for "try a pod(cast)". Popular podcast publishers like NPR, Gimlet Media or This American Life/Serial collaborated to introduce more audiences to podcasts. They encouraged their listeners to introduce...
Friday Link Love
A week ago I gave a presentation at the Expat in the City Fair. My topic: The challenges of moving back to your home country. If you are interested, you can watch the video of the blogger event here. It was such a fun event! I really wish I would have had more time to...
Blogger Event at the Expat in the City Fair in Munich
Have you made any plans for the weekend yet? Hopefully not! If you are living in or close to Munich and are interested in expat life (which you most likely are, if you are a regular reader of my blog...), I have a fun event tip for you. Come and join me at the Expat...
Favorite Podcasts: Being Boss, Marie Forleo, The Mom Hour, Sorta Awesome & Eigenstimmig
Last week I drove to Munich for a couple of meetings. Depending on traffic the drive usually takes me a about 90 minutes. Which means: plenty of time to catch up on my favorite podcasts! The episodes I listened to were so good that I'm still thinking about them days...
Friday Link Love
There were not that many things I missed when we lived in the United States. But once in a while a craving for Schaumküsse (chocolate covered marshmallow fluff on a waffle, pictured above) hit me out of the blue. A few times visitors from Germany did me a favor and...
Friday Link Love
Today I have another round of Friday Link Love for you – my favorite links that are too good to not be shared. Above you see my favorite family moment of the week: the Sunday afternoon that we spent ice-skating on the frozen lake in Burghausen. The last time this was...
Friday Link Love
Hello readers! Thanks so much for showing up for our Friday date today. Finally, after more than six months Friday Link Love is back, my weekly round-up of favorite posts, articles, links, thoughts, photos, things from around the web. And there is more! I'm also going...
Fresh start
2017. Wow. So here we are. A new year. A blank page. A fresh start. 2016 is history. Recently, I've been reading many reviews of 2016 as well as goals and resolutions for 2017 on my favorite blogs. This inspired me to do the same – looking back, briefly, to 2016 and...