Have a great summer – www.tinabusch.com

Have a great summer (and favorite links)

19. Juli 2017

Have a great summer – www.tinabusch.com Hello y’all!

I hope this post finds you well, maybe you are relaxing at the beach or the pool right now, a refreshing drink at your side while you are reading this.

This won’t be the epic, over a thousand words long post that I thought it would be. Summer is here and we are all (almost) in vacation mode. Even the blogging world is moving at a much slower pace. So I’ll keep it short.

It’s been really quiet in my little corner of the internet. And not only because I’ve been really busy with a translation project. I also had to sort through a lot of blog-related issues. And I came to the following conclusion:

After the summer this blog is not going to die. But it’s going to change.

Change is in the air

Some changes you will hardly notice. Others will be bold, straightforward and – maybe – surprising.

Why the change? Why now?

The answer is simple: I’ve arrived. I’m not an expat anymore. My expat life is history and my „moving-back-to-Germany story“ is in its final chapter(s). It’s been almost a years since we left the United States to start all over in the South-East corner of Bavaria. 12 months of ups and downs, with many tears but even more laughter. And – surprisingly – a lot of sunshine! 12 months of adjusting to German life and German peculiarities. 12 months of putting family life and the kids first while slowly but surely building my own business.

My own business!

My business that combines all my skills, my passions, my knowledge, my interests. My business that allows me to be a writer, a blogger, a translator, a social media consultant, an intercultural trainer, an English language teacher coach, and a partner and mentor for anything that has to do with words, languages, communication and the fascinating digital era that we live in.

I want my blog to be my window to the world. It has always been a reflection of myself and that’s why it has to change. My blog is going to be my way to spread ideas that ultimately and hopefully inspire YOU, arouse YOUR curiosity, and encourage YOU to never stop learning!

So there you have it: that’s why many things are going to change.

After the summer.

Link Love

Before I let you go though, I’m going to share a couple of my favorite links with you:

  • Who is carrying the emotional load in your family? A seriously funny / funnily serious cartoon that’s a must-read for moms and dads. (via Design Mom)
  • A (German) book that you should pre-order now – it seems to be the perfect combination of recipes and stories!
  • This video. It’s a commercial, but it’s still so powerful:


  • A podcast interview with NPR’s very own Ira Glass. And this podcast episode about the most expensive speciality coffee in the world – $ 16 for a single cup!
  • A perfect beach read is this novel about the importance of personal relationships in the digital age – only available in English.
  • Have you ever wondered why Americans smile so much? Here’s the answer.
  • This inspiring letter from the editor:

    The fight for a better world is its own reward, a journey of discovery that has no fixed destinations. Maybe we will never find what we seek, but is that so bad? As long as we strive, we grow. And the world grows with us.

  • And last but not least three recipes that I want to try: Tabouleh, lemon butter, and these mouth-watering easy drop berry shortcakes.

I really hope to see you back here in September! Until then you can visit me on Instagram where I will still share our summer shenanigans, my sources of inspirations, and everything else that might be interesting for you.

Flip flops, cold-brew coffees (with a splash of cream ;-) and lots and lots of sunshine,


Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Coach und Ex-Expat-Partnerin. Meinen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

6 Kommentare
  1. Can’t wait to hear more about changes!

  2. Schön geschrieben und vor allem ehrlich. Ich wünsche dir für alle deine Vorhaben viel Erfolg, Energie und Freude!

  3. Ein schöner Post, ich bin nun super gespannt auf deinen neuen Blog! Du scheinst genau das gefunden zu haben, worüber du schreiben willst.Toll! Ich „hüpfe“ immer noch ein bisschen zwischen den Themen hin und her ;-) Aber das ist ok. Vielen Dank für den podcast und den Buchtipp, die Heineken Werbung liebe ich!! Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie noch einen wunderschönen Sommer!

    • Danke schön, liebe Kathrin! Ich lese Deine Friday Link Love Posts auch immer sehr gerne ;-)

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