Thank you & a favor

23. Juli 2015

Thank you Danke

Thank you all for reading and sharing Sarah’s expat interview! It always means the world to me (and to my interview partners!) if you like or share the post on Facebook or – even better – if you leave a comment here on the blog. No matter if it is in German or English, long or short.

I have been working hard to grow this blog and get my voice out there. Do you want to know why? Because I’m hoping – and now I put it out there for the first time – to write a book. Or an article in a magazine. Or become a podcast host. Or an intercultural coach. Or get hired for non-technical translations. Or for some other interesting project that I couldn’t even imagine right now. Not tomorrow or next week. But someday in the (near) future.

That’s why my interview with Okka on her blog SLOMO and the most recent Stern-Interview were milestones for my blog growth. Daily clicks have been steadily increasing, E-Mail-Followers are (slowly) signing up, „Likes“ of my Facebook page are getting closer to 100 followers. Yet I still have a long way to go and a lot of work to do!

So today I would like to ask you, my dear blog readers, for a favor: if you appreciate a particular blog post, may I ask you to please let me know or share it? There are so many options! You can leave a comment here on the blog and please please don’t worry about your writing style, your expertise in English (or German) or the length of your text. Every little thing counts. You could also „like“ or „share“ the post on my Facebook page, comment on Instagram or share it on social media by clicking the little buttons (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest) at the bottom of each post. Or if you prefer more personal communication, send me an e-mail at info[at]tinabusch[dot]com.

And if you don’t want to miss any blog posts, please sign-up for e-mail-notifications at the top right corner of the blog (or at the bottom of the page if you use a mobile version).

Any kind of feedback and encouragement is much appreciated and helps me growing my blog and getting one tiny step closer to my goals.

Thank you so much! Vielen lieben Dank!

xoxo Tina

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Coach und Ex-Expat-Partnerin. Meinen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

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