Friday Link Love –

Friday Link Love

09. Juni 2017

Friday Link Love –

Hey! How are you today?

I just realized that my Instaper box is overflowing. Which means that it’s time for a new edition of my favorite links that I’m sharing with you. Because I know that you are busy. And that you don’t always have time to browse the web for those inspiring articles that appear in the NYT, The Atlantic, Wired, Fast Company and the like. I know that you don’t want to spend hours scrolling down your social media feeds for that one valuable post. That’s why you need people in your life that do some of the work for you. Curators of content who track down and share inspiring, helpful, entertaining, though-provoking content with their community. So that you always stay in the loop.

What can you expect from my Friday Link Love posts?

  • You will find links to articles, videos, social media posts, essays, blogs, shows, movies, podcasts, books – almost always in English because this is my world. The world in which my heart beats faster, my mind is challenged, and new ideas are constantly coming my way.
  • My links always cover a very wide range of topics. Because this is also who I am. You’ll read and hear and see content that touch on with kids and motherhood, relationships and career advise, expat life and travel, health and death, coffee and learning, social media, blogs, books and podcasts as well as the occasional recipe or product recommendation.
  • These Friday Link Love posts are published about once a month and whenever my Instapaper box is overflowing.

Why do I publish these link round-up posts?

Because I love to read them myself! My favorite ones can be found on Design Mom, Swiss Lark, Cup of Jo and in my social media feeds. What can be better than having a go-to source whose taste you can trust to make your reading / listening / learning life richer?


Here they are, my favorite Friday links:

1 – Two apps that I want to give a try: – an AI music composer that promises me to stay focused and get „hours of work done without distraction“. And Minutiae – an anti-social, anti-Instagram photo app that captures real life.

2 – A short playful guide that helps you distinguish between inspiration and imitation. And – hooray! – the artist’s guides will be turned into a book. Release date is in October 2017.

3 – Don’t we all need a legend file? (Thank you, Kathrin, for the link!)

4 – What’s your biggest regret?

5 – Have you started listening to podcasts yet (click here for my recommendations)? This is what The Atlantic has to say and I couldn’t agree more:

… here is a wide variety of podcasts styles and tones, but with their conversational color and their immersion in sound and atmospheres, they have the potential to make you feel things. Podcasts bring you to places you’ve never been, they give you the impression of sharing an animated kitchen-table banter (or a loud bar argument) with a couple of friends. In that regard, podcasts are a “sensational” medium, a quality that may explain why millions of listeners tune in regularly and listen to long-form episodes that defy all common-sense knowledge about the shortness of our attention span.

6 – This video made my tummy hurt because I was laughing so hard. Hilarious! But true… (via Popsugar)

As always I’m wishing you lots of sunshine, a freshly baked Butterbreze, and something bubbly in your glass!

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Coach und Ex-Expat-Partnerin. Meinen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

2 Kommentare
  1. Hallo Tina! Ich habe heute Abend meinen ersten ‚Friday Link Love‘ gepostet, zu dem u.a. du mich inspiriert hast. Und nun lese ich deinen aktuellen FLL post und sehe, dass du genau dasselbe #imomsohard video gepostet hast. Das ist so witzig! Ich habe Kristin & Jen am Dienstag hier live gesehen und habe sehr gelacht. Das tut gut! Liebe Grüße nach D und einen sonnigen Sommer!

    • Hallo Kathrin,
      #imomsohard live???? Da wäre ich euch gerne dabei gewesen! Auf Europa-Tour werden sie wohl nicht gehen, oder?
      Ich freu mich sehr, dass ich Dich zu Deinen persönliche Friday Links inspirieren könnte! Mal gucken, wie viele Doppelungen es in Zukunft noch geben wird ????
      Liebe Grüße nach California,

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