Friday Link Love –

Friday Link Love

13. Januar 2017

friday link love 1

Hello readers! Thanks so much for showing up for our Friday date today. Finally, after more than six months Friday Link Love is back, my weekly round-up of favorite posts, articles, links, thoughts, photos, things from around the web. And there is more! I’m also going to follow into the footsteps of the German blog Berlin Mitte Mom and her Freitagslieblinge in which Anna always includes her favorites of the week such as a book, a meal or a particular moment for herself and with her kids.

In the picture above you see my favorite moment of the week for myself AND with the kids – sledding! I had no idea that I would love the snow so much and we as a family had a blast racing down the hills with all types of sleds. Next on my winter sport list is ice-skating and maybe I can even convince myself do give skiing another try.

And here are my favorite weekly links from around the web:

  • Barack Obama’s farewell speech on Tuesday, especially his tribute to his wife and daughters. Also how the First Lady surprises people on The Tonight Show – so sad to see these two leave the political stage in the United States.
  • This article about attachment theory and the long-term importance of providing security for our children.
  • I’ve added this book and this book (read a review here) to the mile-high TBR-pile on my nightstand.
  • It’s not too late to start your Happiness Jar for 2017 – I put mine on the window sill in our kitchen making sure that I see and remember it several times a day.
  • This German documentary on being 20-40-60 years old.
  • This blog post made me think of my son’s baby years and how I sometime wish I could get a do-over (in German).
  • Loving these boots which I’ve had an eye on for a long time – with the German winter and the cold temperatures I could now justify the purchase.
  • These podcast recommendations – my all-time favorite is still this one and I’ve just started listening to this German (!) one.

Have a great weekend everyone! I’m almost on my way to see the Bibi & Tina Show tonight which is going to make a certain 7-year-old really really happy!

Photo credit: Sarah Wiedemann

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Coach und Ex-Expat-Partnerin. Meinen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

9 Kommentare
  1. …Das wäre heute der Eintrag in meinem Happiness Jar! ;-) Ich freue mich wirklich seeehr, dass mir ab jetzt freitags wieder die Inspirationen zufliegen werden! Danke Tina!

    • Ich freu mich, wenn Du Dich freust, liebe Sarah ;-)

  2. Die Links zu Michelle Obama haben mich so berührt. Was für eine tolle Frau, die so viele Menschen bewegt, inspiriert, ermutigt.

    • Da stimme ich Dir voll und ganz zu, liebe Jonna!

  3. Those boots OMG
    I really need some that are waterproof and work when I am out and about for my photos. These just made the list.
    Happy weekend, Tobia

  4. Schön, dass du wieder da bist und wir weiter an deinen Taten und Gedanken teilhaben können
    Ganz liebe Grüße von Conny ????

    • Danke Conny, ich freu mich auch, dass ich den Weg zurück gefunden hab ;-)

  5. Danke, Tina, dass Du unseren eigenstimmig Podcast hörst und hier erwähnst! Ich hoffe, Du hast Spaß beim hören.
    Deinen all-time favorite Podcast kannte ich noch nicht, habe ihn aber gleich mal abonniert.
    Viele Grüße, Julia

    • Liebe Julia, ich finde Euren Podcast super und freu mich, dass es endlich etwas Hörenswertes auf dem deutschen Markt gibt. Weiter so! Lieben Gruß

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