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Tina Busch Blogartikel


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Tina Busch Podcast


In unserem aktuellen Podcast „Hey Booklovers” dreht sich alles um die Liebe zum Lesen. Unsere Mission ist es, für Dich immer wieder neue Bücher zu entdecken. Dafür folgen wir einfach unserer Lieblingsbeschäftigung und lesen richtig viel. 

Aktuelle Blogartikel

The Weekend Files

How are you? Have you survived Halloween and the time change? We are still trying to get used to the dark afternoon hours and getting the sugar level back to normal... I always try to keep the kids busy in the afternoon and this month after some time outside we've...

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The Weekend Files – Halloween Edition

Halloween is almost here and you can feel the excitement in the air. Our neighborhood is prepared for what is to come tomorrow and my pantry is stocked with bags of candy. Ariel and Spiderman are getting ready to roam the streets, looking for the best Trick or...

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The Weekend Files

For whatever reason I've been drawn to all things about creativity recently – books, podcast episodes, articles, blog posts. There are so many helpful and inspiring pieces of advice in my head that I'm having a hard time to put them into practice. But I know that I'll...

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The Weekend Files

Happy fall, y'all! It's going to be a beautiful sunny fall weekend here in Chattanooga. Leaves are falling down, red ones and green ones, yellow ones and brown ones. My kids are planning to pile them all up in our backyard, jump into them and throw them high up in the...

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The Weekend Files

Happy fall, y'all! I just came back from a short trip to the Smoky Mountains. It's so beautiful up there! Now it really is the best time to go: the leaves are changing their colors, it's still warm during the day, but cool and crisp at night, with mystic foggy...

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The Weekend Files

Apparently, I'm suffering from seasonal affective disorder. At least that's what my doctor told me. I'm still not ready for fall and have been successfully refusing my family's request for orange pumpkins, yellow mums, black bats, and white spider webs. And the...

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HeyBooklovers Podcast!

#3 – The Best-of-Summer One

#3 – The Best-of-Summer One

Welcome to a new episode of what to watch, read and listen. Today’s episode is a special request – my friend Birgit is running a half-marathon this weekend and asked for a new episode of What to Watch, Read + Listen to add to her podcast list. The Best-of-Summer One...

#2 – The One About the Future And New Work

#2 – The One About the Future And New Work

Welcome to episode number two of the "What to Watch, Read + Listen" (WTWRL) podcast. Today’s episode focusses on the topics of future and new work. New work been a really hot topic in my English coaching sessions recently that my corporate clients want – and need – to...

#1 – The One For A Girls‘ Night In

#1 – The One For A Girls‘ Night In

This is the first episode of the "What to Watch, Read + Listen" (WTWRL) podcast. This is a podcast for curious people (like me) who are always looking for inspiration, forward thinking ideas, and current trends. Each episode has a specific topic and gives you tons of...

Hey Booklovers Podcast Tina Busch
Tina Busch & Katrin Dörrler – Hey Booklovers Podcast

Hey Booklovers –
Aus Liebe zum Lesen!

Der Podcast von Tina Busch & Katrin Dörrler

Hier dreht sich alles um englische Bücher und die Liebe zum Lesen. Kati und ich entdecken für Dich immer wieder neue Bücher. Dafür folgen wir einfach unserer Lieblingsbeschäftigung: dem Lesen! Alle Bücher, die uns begeistern und inspirieren, teilen wir mit Dir in unserem Podcast.

Viel Spaß beim Reinhören!

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