It’s been quite an emotional couple of days for me and my family: a farewell breakfast with my German-speaking friends, my daughter’s last day of school which included lots of tears and many emotional good-byes from classmates and her teacher, a beautiful mountain wedding followed by an even more teary good-bye from our American family. What can I say? This is a really really hard time for all of us. But we are hanging in there – somehow. We are taking one day at a time, one good-bye at a time while trying to continue living our normal life. As long as we can. Knowing too well that all of this is an unavoidable part of the repatriation process.
While trying to live life as normal as possible and not thinking about what lies ahead of us, I’ve continually checked items off of my „99 Things I Want to Do Before I Move Back to Germany“-List (here is the link to part 1 and part 2 of the list). I’ve accomplished quite a few things since my last update in March. Well, it’s now or never, right?
In the last couple of weeks I visited the MLK Memorial in Atlanta, went to a Lookouts game and the Chattanooga Brewing Company, vacationed at a beach in Florida, and flew to Germany for a Look & See-trip (more about this here, here and here).
61. be on a podcast (which just happened today! More about my interview for The Culture Guy in a couple of weeks.)
62. start working with a coach
63. enjoy my hydrangeas on a daily basis
64. buy a new pair of tennis shoes (these or these?)
65. de-stock my pantry
66. get a new passport for my daughter – Atlanta, here we come one more time!
67. transcribe and edit an expat interview
68. get a ticket to the Blogst conference in Hamburg, Germany, in November
69. sell appliances, lamps, electrical items
70. take pictures of my favorite corners in our house
71. enjoy the weather and go to the pool
72. blog less, talk and hug more
73. write moving cards
74. organize good-bye-party
75. set-up my daughter’s Kindle
76. start packing
77. allow myself to cry randomly throughout the day
78. have a burger at Shake Shack in Atlanta
79. take pictures of our empty house
80. add songs to my Five Years in Chattanooga-playlist on Spotify
81.-99. to be continued – maybe, maybe not.
I’ll try and keep you up-to-date on our moving-back-journey here on the blog, at least for a couple more weeks. In July, I’m most likely to take a blogging break, but might post regular updates on Instagram and my Facebook page. We’ll see…
Hey, falls du Nr. 68 auf deiner Liste abhackst, sag Bescheid. ;)
Das mache ich, Sandra! Ich bleibe am Besten gleich ein paar Tage länger in Hamburg :-)
Oh Mensch, Tina. Ich hatte beim Lesen einen Kloß im Hals… Die Rückkehr steht uns irgendwann ja auch bevor. Das muss ein einziges Gefühls-Wirrwarr sein. Ich wünsche Euch alles Gute für die letzten Wochen! Macht das Beste draus!
Danke Nancy! Tja, Rückkehr und Abschiede sind nunmal Teil des Expat-Lebens. Beim naechsten Mal bleiben wir aber vielleicht doch „nur“ 3 Jahre…
ich schlage noch einen Punkt „74, b)“ vor:
House Warming Party in Bayern organisieren! :-)