99 things I want to do before I move back to Germany – www.tinabusch.com

99 Things Lists – An Update and a New List

07. März 2016

Do you remember my list of 99 things I want to do before I move back to Germany? I’ve been working constantly on the list since I published it at the beginning of December, adding new items on the go and crossing off things I already accomplished. So I thought it’s about time for an update! And please scroll down to the end of this post. I need YOUR help and YOUR ideas for another very important „99 things“-list!

I watched the Oscars, went to the last basketball game of the Chattanooga Mocs, and found a cute pair of rain boots – teal for me, pink and yellow for the kids. We hosted a Super Bowl Party and are pretty good at staying up-to-date with Scandal. Our second favorite TV show Nashville starts back next week with the long-awaited wedding (which is very likely to mark the finale of the entire show). What else? As you all know I went to ALT Summit in Salt Lake City, had a latte at Mayfly on Signal Mountain, and enjoyed a delicious meatball sub at Cafe Roma in Cleveland. And thanks to the lovely Autumn Witt Boyd – who is also from Chattanooga and who I met at ALT – I had lunch with Being Boss’s very own and very awesome Emily Thompson! Yeah!

Still on the list are, for example: zip-lining and rafting, meeting Local Milk, saying good-by to Sanibel Island, visiting the MLK Memorial in Atlanta and the zoo in Knoxville, go to a batting cage and a Lookouts game and spending every possible second on my back porch.

99 Things Lists – to be continued

And new on the list are:

45. learn how to make Ramen and Thai food;

46. start my #thisismychattanooga photo challenge on Instagram ;

47. buy the pink Tennessee shirt at Rock Creek;

48. family photo and blog portrait session in downtown Chattanooga;

49. buy a Lodge cast iron skillet in South Pittsburg, Tennessee.

50. have a beer (or two) at Chattanooga Brewing Company;

51. go on a Look & See trip to Germany;

52. host a Social Media and a Blogging for Beginners Workshop;

53. see the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC.

54. finally organize and store my kids‘ art work (how? where?);

55. finally sort through all of our binders and documents;

56. recycle our old notebooks (any recommendations?);

57. stock up on English kids books;

58. design a „My Friends Book“ for both kids. These books are so common in Germany, but I haven’t come across an English version. Will be such a nice memory!

59. hunt for a dress for the wedding in May, maybe try Rent the Runway?

60. savor every occurrence of bilingualism / Denglish / Germish: Wir metten alle in Deutschland. / Kristian und ich haben friends bekommen. / Ignoren die Jungs uns oder sind die mean?

61.-99. to be continued

So far I’m pretty happy with my list and how things are coming along. I know that I won’t be able to realize every single thing, but at least I have a plan for our remaining months in Chattanooga and hopefully I won’t forget anything that I might regret later.

This Chattanooga-list is – well – unproblematic. But what about a Germany-list? „99 things I look forward to when I’m back in Germany“? About a year ago I came up with these things to look forward to: bakeries, magazines, city trips, licorice and Kuhflecken-ice-cream. But now a I’m drawing a blank ___!!! Can YOU help me? What else should I add to my Germany-list?

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Professional Coach und Ex-Expat-Partner. Meinen riesengroßen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

4 Kommentare
  1. Liebe Tina,
    die Idee mit der Liste finde ich spitze!
    Hier ein paar Dinge, die mich in Deutschland erfreuen, vielleicht ist etwas für dich dabei:
    -durch die Altstadt schlendern
    -junge, neue DesignerLabels kennenlernen
    -sich im Blumenladen inspirieren lassen
    -viele Wege zu Fuß gehen zu können
    -den Kindern zeigen, wie man sich als Fußgänger verhält
    -ins Freibad gehen und Freunde treffen
    -ins Kino gehen und europäische Filme schauen
    -Wein ohne das Vorzeigen vom Führerschein bestellen
    -frische Croissants
    -mit Freunden auf der Terasse sitzen
    -Familiengeburtstage feiern
    -sich spontan verabreden
    -wandern und ein Radler trinken
    Du siehst, meine Vorfreude ist ungebrochen
    Liebe Grüße Rachel

    • Danke liebe Rachel! Das kommt alles auf meine Liste :-)))

  2. Tolle Ideen, Rachel! :-) Ich würde noch
    – per Fahrrad die Stadt/das Umland erkunden und sie so für sich (wieder-)entdecken
    – Vollkorn Frühstück mit einem guten Cappuccino, großer Saftschorle und vielfältiger Käseauswahl
    – eine bunte Tüte am Kiosk holen
    – morgendlicher Spaziergang zum Bäcker in einer noch schlafenden Stadt.


    • Stimmt, Saftschorlen!!! Hatte ich gar nicht mehr auf dem Schirm. Ich war einfach schon zu lange nicht mehr in Deutschland. Danke für die Tipps, Wiebke!

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