My 5-Day Trip to Germany

20. April 2016

I’m back! Back from my 5-day-trip to Germany. And I’m happy! Really happy. And relieved… I’m SO glad I went to Germany and got everything sorted out: house, school, day care. I feel much less anxious now about moving back to Germany. Yes, it’s going to be hard. And saying good-bye is going to be sad. Really really sad. But moving back is going to be so doable! I’m still processing a lot of things in my head, but I promise you’ll read more about my Look & See-Trip soon. Until then I hope you’ll enjoy this short photo journey I put together for you!

trip to Germany air

Above you can experience my very first glimpse of Germany when I woke up in the morning. Looks – well – orderly and very familiar!

trip to Germany brezn

trip to Germany latte

Brezn and Latte Macchiato, my go-to breakfast combination. I don’t have a lot to say about the Macchiato, though. The taste was not very distinctive, just coffee with milk. Which means – there is much room for improvement!

As many of you already know Burghausen is soon going to be our new home base. Burghausen has a really pretty historic quarter and the world’s longest castle. I’m sure that the kids will love it! trip to Germany Burghausen

trip to Germany Burghausen

trip to Germany

trip to Germany Burghausen

trip to Germany Burghausen

You can’t go back to Germany and not talk trash, I mean talk about recycling ;-) I completely forgot that you are supposed to take yoghurt containers apart once you are finished eating. Which means: rip off the decorative outside paper part which goes into the used paper container; throw away the plastic part into the „Gelbe Sack“, the yellow recycling bag. It might need more than a few days to get used to this habit again…

trip to Germany recycling On my slow train ride from Burghausen to Munich I stumbled upon this article in a German magazine (I think it was the Myself magazine).

trip to Germany Heimat The question „What is Heimat?“ really made me think. Heimat – a word that doesn’t have an English equivalent. It means so much more than „home“ or „home country“. It’s a feeling. A feeling of where you come from. But does it also refer to where you belong? Where you feel at home?

Does this mean you can you have more than one Heimat?

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Professional Coach und Ex-Expat-Partner. Meinen riesengroßen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

4 Kommentare
  1. I like the quote: „Heimat ist da wo man sich nicht erklären muss“- J.G. v. Herder

    Maybe losing Heimat is one of the side effects of living abroad. From now on you’ll have to explain yourself wherever you go.

    • Hi Florian,
      I just talked to a friend of mine who recently moved back to Germany. You know what she said? She doesn’t have to explain herself anymore, nobody asks her about her accent or her clothes. I guess this means that she is now back in her true „Heimat“, right?

  2. Ach, das freut mich, daß es dir gefallen hat und du zuversichtlich bist :-)
    Und das mit dem Mülltrennen wird schon gehen… (wir ahben in Charleston aber auch getrennt, wenn auch nicht vergleichbar mit hier..)
    GLG aus Good-old-Germany, Yvette

    • Wir trennen hier auch: Papier, Plastik, Dosen und Glas in eine Tonne, der Rest kommt in eine andere Tonne. Ist ja wenigstens etwas, oder? Ich hoffe, Ihr habt Euch wieder gut eingelebt!? Lieben Gruß nach Deutschland, Tina

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