Do you remember my list of 99 things I want to do before I move back to Germany? I’ve been working constantly on the list since I published it at the beginning of December, adding new items on the go and crossing off things I already accomplished. So I thought it’s about time for an update! And please scroll down to the end of this post. I need YOUR help and YOUR ideas for another very important „99 things“-list!
I watched the Oscars, went to the last basketball game of the Chattanooga Mocs, and found a cute pair of rain boots – teal for me, pink and yellow for the kids. We hosted a Super Bowl Party and are pretty good at staying up-to-date with Scandal. Our second favorite TV show Nashville starts back next week with the long-awaited wedding (which is very likely to mark the finale of the entire show). What else? As you all know I went to ALT Summit in Salt Lake City, had a latte at Mayfly on Signal Mountain, and enjoyed a delicious meatball sub at Cafe Roma in Cleveland. And thanks to the lovely Autumn Witt Boyd – who is also from Chattanooga and who I met at ALT – I had lunch with Being Boss’s very own and very awesome Emily Thompson! Yeah!
Still on the list are, for example: zip-lining and rafting, meeting Local Milk, saying good-by to Sanibel Island, visiting the MLK Memorial in Atlanta and the zoo in Knoxville, go to a batting cage and a Lookouts game and spending every possible second on my back porch.
99 Things Lists – to be continued
And new on the list are:
45. learn how to make Ramen and Thai food;
46. start my #thisismychattanooga photo challenge on Instagram ;
47. buy the pink Tennessee shirt at Rock Creek;
48. family photo and blog portrait session in downtown Chattanooga;
49. buy a Lodge cast iron skillet in South Pittsburg, Tennessee.
50. have a beer (or two) at Chattanooga Brewing Company;
51. go on a Look & See trip to Germany;
52. host a Social Media and a Blogging for Beginners Workshop;
53. see the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC.
54. finally organize and store my kids‘ art work (how? where?);
55. finally sort through all of our binders and documents;
56. recycle our old notebooks (any recommendations?);
57. stock up on English kids books;
58. design a „My Friends Book“ for both kids. These books are so common in Germany, but I haven’t come across an English version. Will be such a nice memory!
59. hunt for a dress for the wedding in May, maybe try Rent the Runway?
60. savor every occurrence of bilingualism / Denglish / Germish: Wir metten alle in Deutschland. / Kristian und ich haben friends bekommen. / Ignoren die Jungs uns oder sind die mean?
61.-99. to be continued
So far I’m pretty happy with my list and how things are coming along. I know that I won’t be able to realize every single thing, but at least I have a plan for our remaining months in Chattanooga and hopefully I won’t forget anything that I might regret later.
This Chattanooga-list is – well – unproblematic. But what about a Germany-list? „99 things I look forward to when I’m back in Germany“? About a year ago I came up with these things to look forward to: bakeries, magazines, city trips, licorice and Kuhflecken-ice-cream. But now a I’m drawing a blank ___!!! Can YOU help me? What else should I add to my Germany-list?
Liebe Tina,
die Idee mit der Liste finde ich spitze!
Hier ein paar Dinge, die mich in Deutschland erfreuen, vielleicht ist etwas für dich dabei:
-durch die Altstadt schlendern
-junge, neue DesignerLabels kennenlernen
-sich im Blumenladen inspirieren lassen
-viele Wege zu Fuß gehen zu können
-den Kindern zeigen, wie man sich als Fußgänger verhält
-ins Freibad gehen und Freunde treffen
-ins Kino gehen und europäische Filme schauen
-Wein ohne das Vorzeigen vom Führerschein bestellen
-frische Croissants
-mit Freunden auf der Terasse sitzen
-Familiengeburtstage feiern
-sich spontan verabreden
-wandern und ein Radler trinken
Du siehst, meine Vorfreude ist ungebrochen
Liebe Grüße Rachel
Danke liebe Rachel! Das kommt alles auf meine Liste :-)))
Tolle Ideen, Rachel! :-) Ich würde noch
– per Fahrrad die Stadt/das Umland erkunden und sie so für sich (wieder-)entdecken
– Vollkorn Frühstück mit einem guten Cappuccino, großer Saftschorle und vielfältiger Käseauswahl
– eine bunte Tüte am Kiosk holen
– morgendlicher Spaziergang zum Bäcker in einer noch schlafenden Stadt.
Stimmt, Saftschorlen!!! Hatte ich gar nicht mehr auf dem Schirm. Ich war einfach schon zu lange nicht mehr in Deutschland. Danke für die Tipps, Wiebke!