Friday Link Love –

Friday Link Love

05. Mai 2017

Friday Link Love –

It’s late on Friday and the weekend is already here. How did that happen? At least it finally stopped raining today and the forecast for tomorrow (but just for tomorrow…) looks like perfect Biergarten weather! Do you have anything fun planned, too? Since Sunday is forecasted to by grey and rainy again in this neck of the woods, you might be looking for something thoughtful / fun / inspiring to add to your reading list. Look no further – here are my favorite Friday links!

1 – Interesting thoughts on marriage and change:

Feeling oppressed by change or lack of change; it’s a tale as old as time. Yet at some point in any long-term relationship, each partner is likely to evolve from the person we fell in love with into someone new — and not always into someone cuter or smarter or more fun.

2 – A scientific follow-up on my Kinderkunsthaus-post and the importance of staying curious.

3 – A library in your front yard – isn’t that the best idea ever? There’s a bike and walking path right behind our house – THE perfect spot for a back yard library! Readers in Burghausen, what do you think?

4 – For those of you in Germany: have you heard about the new magazine Süddeutsche Zeitung Familie? It’s actually a two-in-one magazine: one magazine that entertains the kids and gives the parents time to read the other part. Hurry! The first issue is available for free right now!

5 – A very long list of inspiring advice on writing. My favorite?

Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia. Kurt Vonnegut

6 – As the temperatures are slowly rising here in Germany, my craving for iced-cold coffee drinks has started. Since I can’t just pick up this delicious cold brew concentrate from my favorite coffee shop in Chattanooga, I need to start DIYing my own version. This and this recipe look promising. You could even brew it in a mason jar!

7 – A letter to parents of expat kids. Such a good read and very helpful advice.

8 – Would this shop on wheels work as a creative meeting space / coffee shop, too? (discovered on Design Sponge)?

Have you been following me on Instagram? Right now I’m participating in the May Instagram challenge #meetthebloggerDE organized by Anne Häusler. Each day for 14 consecutive days German bloggers are answering blog-related questions, such as:

What do you blog about?

View this post on Instagram

2. Tag der Insta-Challenge #MeettheBloggerDE von @annehaeusler und heute geht's um die Frage: worüber blogst du. Meine Reaktion? Gute Frage. Nächste Frage. ? Das trifft nämlich einen ganz wunden Punkt, den ich zwar schon länger als solchen erkannt habe, aber lange nicht wahrhaben wollte. Ursprünglich hab ich mal über das Expat-Leben in den ?? gebloggt. Seit letzten Sommer bin ich aber kein Expat mehr und seitdem wurschtele ich mich so durch. Interessen hab ich viele, wie man auf dem Foto sehen kann ☕️ ? ✈️ ? ? aber wo die Reise wirklich hingehen wird, kann ich im Moment noch nicht mal erahnen ? Habt Ihr auch schon diese Erfahrung gemacht? Was (oder wer) hat Euch geholfen?

A post shared by Tina Busch – Englisch Coach (@tina_busch) on


What has been your biggest success as a blogger so far?

There’s more than a week of questions to go so stay tuned for more insights into my thoughts and future plans for the blog. And if you are looking for new blogs to add to your blogroll, you can just follow the hashtag #meetthebloggerDE on Instagram and – ta da – the German blog world opens up to you! I’ve already discovered so so many new blogs.

Wishing you lots of sunshine and no rain clouds on the horizon!

Have a great weekend, y’all!

Ich bin Tina. Promovierte Linguistin, Englisch-Expertin, Professional Coach und Ex-Expat-Partner. Meinen riesengroßen Wissensdurst stille ich mit Podcasts, Büchern, Seminaren und Networking-Events. Hier teile ich mein Wissen, um Dir Inspiration und Impulse für Deine persönliche Weiterentwicklung zu geben.

Improve your English.
Be Curious.
Rock the world!

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