Was Dich und mich interessiert und inspiriert
Auf meinem Blog findest Du nicht nur meine aktuellen Coaching- und Workshop-Angebote und Podcastfolgen, sondern hier schreibe ich auch immer mal wieder über Themen, die mich interessieren und Dich hoffentlich inspirieren.



The Weekend Files #33
One day late, but hey, it's still the weekend, right? Enjoy this week's edition of The Weekend Files. There will be one more until we wrap up the year. And if you are interested in making these yummy rosemary-infused shortbread cookies that you see in the photo below,...
The Weekend Files
Hello everyone! How is your bank account doing? Have you splurged on Black Friday and Cyber Monday and crossed everything off your Christmas shopping list? I was quite successful but I wish I had been better prepared because I keep on thinking of things I should /...
The Weekend Files
How was your week so far? Mine was ok. I had a sick child at home, said good-bye to our visitors from Germany which is always hard, especially for the kids who just love having someone to actually live with us for a couple of days. And behind-the-scenes I've also been...
Ein paar Worte zu Paris
Zu aktuellen politischen Themen oder Ereignissen habe ich mich bislang hier auf meinem Blog nicht geäußert. Auch heute habe ich Zweifel, ob es richtig ist, ob ich das wirklich will. Doch nach den Attentaten in Paris und den vielen Fragen von Freunden und der Familie...
The Weekend Files
Farewell and birthday parties, fall family pictures, visitors from Germany, final soccer practice, backyard BBQs, brunch date, Sunday market stroll – what a fun-packed weekend ahead of us! So I'll make it quick today with The Weekend Files and my favorite weekly links...
OneDayHH on Instagram
It's happening today: OneDayHH on Instagram, hosted by Laura from Hollywood Housewife. As mentioned in my latest edition of The Weekend Files today I'm sharing (again! I participated last year, too!) bits and pieces of a very normal day of my life, with my morning...
The Weekend Files
How are you? Have you survived Halloween and the time change? We are still trying to get used to the dark afternoon hours and getting the sugar level back to normal... I always try to keep the kids busy in the afternoon and this month after some time outside we've...
The Weekend Files – Halloween Edition
Halloween is almost here and you can feel the excitement in the air. Our neighborhood is prepared for what is to come tomorrow and my pantry is stocked with bags of candy. Ariel and Spiderman are getting ready to roam the streets, looking for the best Trick or...
The Weekend Files
For whatever reason I've been drawn to all things about creativity recently – books, podcast episodes, articles, blog posts. There are so many helpful and inspiring pieces of advice in my head that I'm having a hard time to put them into practice. But I know that I'll...
The Weekend Files
Happy fall, y'all! It's going to be a beautiful sunny fall weekend here in Chattanooga. Leaves are falling down, red ones and green ones, yellow ones and brown ones. My kids are planning to pile them all up in our backyard, jump into them and throw them high up in the...
The Weekend Files
Happy fall, y'all! I just came back from a short trip to the Smoky Mountains. It's so beautiful up there! Now it really is the best time to go: the leaves are changing their colors, it's still warm during the day, but cool and crisp at night, with mystic foggy...
The Weekend Files
Apparently, I'm suffering from seasonal affective disorder. At least that's what my doctor told me. I'm still not ready for fall and have been successfully refusing my family's request for orange pumpkins, yellow mums, black bats, and white spider webs. And the...
The Weekend Files
It's that time of the year again: School has started, temperatures have dropped, pumpkins are everywhere. So are runny noises, coughing toddlers, and aching tummies... My son has been having a bad cough that keeps him (and me) awake at night. I've tried almost...
The Weekend Files
My computer crashed. And I got (and still am) really really mad (and upset...). The hard drive seems to be damaged and I have no idea how this happened... Hopefully it can be fixed soon! So this edition of The Weekend Files is kind of improvised since I'm using a...
The Weekend Files
The secret of getting homework done while younger siblings are being around? Make a copy of the homework and let the younger ones do the work, too. Works like magic so far! We are looking forward to a looooong Labor Day Weekend, filled with all the American weekend...
The Weekend Files – I’m back
Hello everyone! I'm so happy to be back and to put together a new edition of The Weekend Files – just for you! There is so much good stuff out there in the great world wide web and I always love to share my finds with you, introduce you to thoughts, ideas, products,...
Summer Break
My dear readers, Thank you so much for your nice comments, feedback and messages. Hearing back from you and reading your personal stories means the world to me and shows me that I'm heading in the right direction with this blog. I've had a busy summer so far (weekend...
Thank you & a favor
Thank you all for reading and sharing Sarah's expat interview! It always means the world to me (and to my interview partners!) if you like or share the post on Facebook or – even better – if you leave a comment here on the blog. No matter if it is in German or...