Was Dich und mich interessiert und inspiriert
Auf meinem Blog findest Du nicht nur meine aktuellen Coaching- und Workshop-Angebote und Podcastfolgen, sondern hier schreibe ich auch immer mal wieder über Themen, die mich interessieren und Dich hoffentlich inspirieren.



Best Christmas Markets in Germany – Burghausen Edition
Having lived in the United States for such a long time means that we missed out on the wonderful Advent season for years. Sure – we always had an Advent wreath, decorated our house with all the Christmassy stuff and made our own mulled wine. But nothing compares to...
Blogst 2016 – My Takeaways
It's been two weeks already that I went to Hamburg for my first German blog conference, Blogst 2016. I'm still recovering from a very busy weekend while connecting to the many creative people I've met, browsing through freshly discovered Instagram feeds and processing...
Blogst 2016 – Here I come!
Back in February I put together a list of 99 things I wanted to do before I went back to Germany. One thing on the list was to get a ticket to the Blogst 2016 conference in Hamburg. Which turned out to be almost impossible! The tickets literally sold out in...
My Mom’s Three Layer Cake – A Recipe
Hello everybody! I'm quickly popping in today to say "hi" and to share a very special 3 layer cake recipe with you. It's my Mom's secret recipe for the most delicious cake that you've ever had: the 72-Hour-Cake or Dreitages-Torte in German! It doesn't only taste good...
Friday Link Love
Four more days of school and then that's it! Summer will be here, no more crazy mornings whose outcome is determined by whether I come up with any creative ideas to get the kids out of bed or not, no more practicing sight words and hot-glueing projects on the...
Blind Dates or Why Personal Connections Are So Important
Panera Bread, P.F. Chang's, Stir, Camp House, Wired, Mean Mug, my own house, my computer. It happens again and again. And it's always really exciting! Will they recognize me? Do they look like the picture they send me? Do I look like the picture on my blog today? What...
Link Love
Hello Weekend Link Lovers! How was your week? Was it a good one? I've been stuck in a rut, for no particular reason, these past few days and now I am so excited about a relaxing weekend. Hopefully it will be warm enough for the pool and to spend a lot of time outside...
Link Love
How was your week, you guys? Did you do anything fun? We are getting ready for our last visitors from Germany so it's time to finally deal with our super-messy guest room. Infrequently used kids toys, Halloween costumes and Easter eggs (plastic, of course), an unused...
Link Love #5
It's Friday! Friday! And it's time for a new edition of Link Love – all my favorite finds from around the web that I would like to share with you. Enjoy and have a great weekend! 1 - On being 40... 2 - I currently have my eyes on this and this shirt for my summer...
Friday Link Love
How have you been? How was your week? It's been a while since my last Link Love post, I know. If you've ever had a kid (or two) sick with the flu, you'll get an idea of how the first half of March looked like for me. Hours and days on the couch, reading books, taking...
Liebster Award 2016
Der Liebster Blog Award ist wie ein Wanderpokal. Er kommt jedes Jahr wieder zurück zu mir (hier geht's zum Liebster Award 2015)! Ein guter Anlass, um mir ein paar grundsätzliche Gedanken zu meinem Blog zu machen. Und neue Blogger lerne ich so auch kennen. Nominiert...
Friday Link Love
It has officially started – the expat "Kaufrausch" or shopping spree! I used to laugh about my expat friends who were getting ready to move back to Germany and their endless shopping lists. As if you can't buy anything in Germany! Well, now that I'm in their position...
Friday Link Love
Did you know that Valentine's Day could be even more important than Christmas and birthdays combined? Well, I know now – my kids were absolutely CRAZY this week about crafting Valentines for their classmates and teachers! On top of that my daughter is also celebrating...
Friday Link Love
Link Love = formerly known as The Weekend Files! – It's been a while that I posted the best of the web. I've been so busy preparing for ALT Summit, traveling to Salt Lake City and back, enjoying quality time with my family and now not only digesting but also...
ALT Summit 2016 – This is what I learned
WOW!!! ALT Summit 2016, my first ever blog conference, was AMAZING! And it was so much more than that: incredibly good and professional speakers, a schedule packed with tons of information, all sorts of goodies from sponsors open for collaborations, cool fun parties...
Alt Summit 2016 – Here I Come!
I'm going to my first blog conference ever! Tomorrow! It's called ALT Summit, it's in Salt Lake City, Utah, and I'm pretty sure I'm not lying if I'm saying that it is THE conference for bloggers in North America. Want to know more about it? Click here. I'm excited,...
Best of 2015 & More
Wie versprochen, melde ich mich vor Jahresende nochmal bei Euch. Eigentlich wollte ich einen The Weekend Files / Best of Post schreiben. Ein Blick in die Statistik zeigt allerdings, dass die wöchentlichen Link-Tipps gar nicht so populär sind, wie ich immer dachte –...
Rosemary-Infused Shortbread Recipe
As I promised you on Saturday, I'm going to share one of my favorite cookie recipe with you today! Ready? It's a shortbread recipe and I've made these rosemary-infused shortbread (Heidesand in German) several times over the years. And they never fail! They are easy to...