Ganz aufgeregt rufen meine Kinder auf dem Handy an, während ich gerade meine Unterlagen nach einem langen Seminartag zusammenpacke. "Mama, Mama. Du hast was vergessen!" brüllt meine Tochter ins Telefon. "Was denn?" wundere ich mich. Hatte ich doch in den 24 Stunden...
Expat-Leben Themen
„I really appreciate the work-life-balance in Germany“ – Interview with Dana Newman from Wanted Adventure
Today I would like to introduce you to Dana Newman. I met Dana a couple of weeks ago at the Expat in the City fair in Munich where Dana hosted our blogger event. When I checked out her YouTube channel “Wanted Adventure”, I knew that I wanted to meet her in person and...
California and Hawaii with Kids
Have you started planning your summer vacation? We have been browsing French travel sites and realized pretty quickly that we should have started the whole planning process a lot earlier. Many vacation homes are already fully booked! When I think back to last year...
10 Tips to Survive Repatriation
Yesterday, was Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Which means that we have been back in Germany for exactly six months. It's not only this very specific mile marker of our repatriation journey (repatriation generally refers to the process of returning back to your country of...
Der Expat-Wunschzettel
Alle Jahre wieder schreiben die Kinder sorgfältig ihre Wunschzettel an den Weihnachtsmann oder das Christkind. Und während wir Mamas die Wünsche unserer Kinder bequatschen, wird Jonna von den Expatmamas und mir plötzlich klar: Wir haben auch einen inneren...
Kennt Ihr dieses Gefühl, wenn Ihr nach einem Urlaub nur noch wenige Kilometer von Eurem Zuhause entfernt seid? Die ersten bekannten Orte und Plätze an Euch vorbeiziehen? Die Lichter Eures Wohnorts in der Ferne zu erkennen sind? Wenn Euch die Ruhe überkommt und die...
21 German Habits I’m Re-Learning Right Now
Two months back in my home country Germany and I'm still surprised that there are so many German habits and approaches to daily life that I need to re-learn and get used to again. They range from very simple and mundane things like traffic rules, recycling and tissue...
Transitioning to Germany – A Visual Journey
Hello Germany! Here we are – in our new home, our new life. Today is the second morning that I have a couple of hours to myself. The kids are in school and day-care, my husband is at work. And I finally feel like writing again and telling you a little bit about the...
Good-bye Chattanooga – Hello Summer
This is it: we moved out of our house yesterday, packed our bags and are ready (while also being totally exhausted) for our summer vacation. I can tell you, moving week is not fun, especially not with two kids who may or may not know what's going on. But my more...
Moving Day Then and Now
I'm sitting at the dining room table, surrounded by moving boxes, watching the movers carrying my life down the stairs to the shipping container outside. The driveway is covered in toys, boxes, furniture. It's a crazy house! Of course today is not the time and day for...
One More Week
One more week. By the time this gets published we are down to 5 more days. 5 more days until moving day! Well, I really thought I would write more about this transition process of going back to Germany. This crazy, somewhat unreal state-of-mind that I'm currently in...
99 Things List – Another Update and a Few Random Thoughts
Wow...! It's been quite an emotional couple of days for me and my family: a farewell breakfast with my German-speaking friends, my daughter's last day of school which included lots of tears and many emotional good-byes from classmates and her teacher, a beautiful...
„Liebe Tina!“ – Ein Briefwechsel über das Expat-Leben
Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an die Briefe über das Expat-Leben, die Yasemin von YPs world und ich uns schreiben (falls nicht, findet Ihr hier Brief Eins, Zwei und Drei)? Der letzte Brief ist schon eine Weile her und dafür gibt es gute Gründe: Yasemin ist nämlich jetzt –...
10 Expat Moments I’ll Never Forget
What were the most memorable moments of your 5 years as an expat in the United States? This is what Nancy from the blog Fuzzy Facts asked me when we talked about a topic for a guest post I was about to write for her readers. A really good question, right? And really...
Germany – Random First Impressions
While I was in Germany for my Look & See-trip 2 weeks ago, I made sure to write everything down that struck me as different, strange, noticeable, new... Once I got off the plane in Munich, I opened my virtual Evernote notebook, started to take everything in and...
My 5-Day Trip to Germany
I'm back! Back from my 5-day-trip to Germany. And I'm happy! Really happy. And relieved... I'm SO glad I went to Germany and got everything sorted out: house, school, day care. I feel much less anxious now about moving back to Germany. Yes, it's going to be hard. And...
Going Back to Germany – Look & See-Trip
You guys, in 1 hour I'm sitting on a plane to Germany. I'm going on a Look & See-Trip. All by myself – and hopefully not stuck in the middle seat inbetween two weird strangers – ha! Am I excited about this trip? Well, not really. First and foremost, I already miss...
Going Back to Germany – Checkliste für die Rückkehr
Es ist schon April! Es sind also noch nicht mal mehr 3 Monate, bis wir unseren Container packen und unser Hab und Gut auf die Reise nach Deutschland schicken. Bis dahin gibt es aber noch so viel zu tun! Damit ich – und alle anderen Expats, die zurück nach Deutschland...